Monday 2 April 2018

Myths and Facts about dyslexia

5 Myths And Facts About Dyslexia 


"Dyslexia is something children will out grow"    But  "Children with dyslexia continue to face challenges as they grow".   

" Dyslexia is just a problem of visual perception" But " In fact they have problems in phoneme level" 

" Dyslexia affects boys more than girls"                But      "It affects girls and boys equally" 

"Dyslexia affects only those who speaks English" But " Dyslexia occurs in every language, even with those who don't use alphabetic script". 

" a person with dyslexia can't be a good reader" But "with intense systematic instruction, a person with dyslexia can become a good strong reader". 



  1. I really didn't know that dyslexia affected boys more than girls..thank you for the note

  2. Usually the dyslexia topic is very misinterpreted. Some people tend to take information granted without checking their validity. Thank you for the information about this topic.

  3. Dyslexia is common and it has a significant impact on learning. Beneficial ideas !

  4. One more myth! People also think that dyslexic people have a low level of intelligence, which is of course not true. By the way, Albert Einstein had dyslexia!


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