Education Stars

                                  The Future of the world is in my class today..

    There is NO elevator to SUCCESS 
     You have to take the STAIRS. 

     Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the life of their 
  students .
                                                                                                                           Solomon Qrtiz

                                                    Education is not a preparation of life..
                                                                          Education is life itself.. 
                                                                                                             John Dewy  
   Children must be taught how to think, not what to think ! 
                                            Margaret Mead 

                                    Education is the key to unlocking the world of passport. 
                                                                                              Oprah Winfrey  

    The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. 


  1. I guess you mean that your students are going to be special people in their lives, maybe because of their achievements, or because of the hidden messages that you are implementing in them. It is our job as teachers to have positive beliefs about our teaching and students. Wish you the best.

  2. That is very true, as students we don't know the importance of the things we learn, yet we consider them as a torture done by the teachers until we get to use these things in real life so we taste the sweet fruits.

  3. The main problem that many teachers face is that they teach what's found in books not what the students need, every teacher must know the needs of his or her students and cover them.

  4. I love the title of your page "Education Stars". It is really inspiring and you are right, good teachers can make their students feel like stars. wish you all the best!


Spelling Bee

Our school ICS planned a spelling bee event for the grades who didn't participate in LIU's event. Here are my students who partici...